First, having multiple AP model types in the same RFDomain is completely normal in a distributed (centralized controller) deployment like yours and is something that is happening at probably the majority of deployments.
In this scenario, the auto-provisioning policy could be setup one of two ways:
1) Create a separate auto-provisioning rule for each AP model type and then assigns an exisitng model-specific AP profile to each rule.
2) Create a single auto-provisioning rule that accepts "any" AP model type and then assigns all of the APs an existing single AP profile that uses the 'anyap' model type.
For #1, you would need to have already created an AP profile for each of your AP model types so that you could specify them in the auto-provisioning rule.
For #2, you would need to have already created an "anyap" AP profile that you could specify to use in the auto-provisioning rule.
#adopt anyap precedence 10 profile anyAPprofile any