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What do you think of the new community interface?

What do you think of the new community interface?

New Contributor
We decided to go with a new version of the application, and bring little bit of "Extreme" into the community! Would love to know what you all think of it.

Honored Contributor
..... and even if you scroll down all you'd see is the official posts from the FAQ as there are sooooo many every day.

Could we leave the FAQ posts in the FAQ section - I have no idea why they are in "recent conversations".
These are no real conversations as all the threads are locked/closed so we can't even add questions or supplementary notes to it.

I.e. in the FAQ post "Maintaining Wireless Services upon Hipath Controller loss" ... I'd add that I sure can support 802.1X if the tunnel to the WLAN controller is down if I use the "Site" feature.
So the explanation is not 100% accurate.

BTW, I'd remove the term "Hipath" from all FAQs - it's "Enterasys WLAN Controller" 🙂


HI James, we are definitely looking at ways to reduce some of the graphics and make the interface less "bulky". As for the FAQ, I totally agree, they do seem to take away some of the browsing functions when we are in the process of migrating the KB content from Enterasys and Extreme. Unfortunately, there is no way to filter or categorize them so they are not under the most recent posts. My suggestion would be perhaps to explore the other options such as Idea, Problems, or even some of the categories to help reduce the number of FAQ's you are seeing. This of course is a short term problem as we finish migrating our KB into the community. I do really appreciate your feedback and hope this helps!

The FAQ posts filling up the page, although I do like reading them as they're posted, so perhaps having a section for them that's not on the front page is best, or at least until they finish bringing over all the old KB articles.

If you look at the supported products you'll see that article is quite old, hence HiPath and no mention of the Site feature. Actually it's Enterasys Wireless Convergence of which the controller is just a part. But now I guess s/Enterasys/Extreme/ ...

Contributor III
Hi, I think I know what James A. means with bulky: on my laptop with 1600x1200 resolution, I cannot even see the latest "recent" conversation (top of the conversation list) on the home page without scrolling down, because already the top half of the screen is filled with that extremely big "The Hub" graphic, welcome message etc. Indeed that's what I would call bulky.