Trying to download Netsight VMWARE-Files (Approx. 2GB), this is very slow from the official Source. Are there any plans to improve the Access to the Files for Partners? thanks, _ToM
Trying to download Netsight VMWARE-Files (Approx. 2GB), this is very slow from the official Source. Are there any plans to improve the Access to the Files for Partners? thanks, _ToM
I want to upgrade 1841 router with T1 to Cisco 1921-SEC/K9 router . Do i need to purchase an HWIC Module or use one of the two internet GB ports as WAN port to ISP ?
If anyone is using this solution, I am posting a quick script to create the files needed to create the policies. There is a Bash script in the solution doc but python may be a little more accessible. It is native on Mac OS X. use this syntax: pytho...
I need to know how i can see which configuration changes send by NetSight Server (NAC-manager) to the switch. (I make a radius configuration and my accounting settings are not correct afterwards) How can i log/debug this? Thanks
In my company an ap model 3610 will be used, the equipment was configured in the past but no one have the configuration details, so i will need to reset to fabric.I already tried, to reset the AP by pushing the reset button for more than 30 secs and ...