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Stack and uplink ports X440 x460

Stack and uplink ports X440 x460

New Contributor III
Hello, i need to connect two stack [2x X440-24p-10G] and [3x x460-48-10G] with core 7100 switch.
My problem is to share 10Gb ports on (x440/x460) one for stack and one for uplink - is that possible or both ports have to be stack OR uplink in the same time?


Extreme Employee
That is correct, the X440 will not allow you to stack with one port and use the other as a 10Gig connection. The other platforms will allow this ..

Extreme Employee
For every stack-port you can configure if it is the native stack port or the alternate port, so you could have 1 native and 1 alternate stack-port on your switch.

I don't think you can stack and uplink a X440 however you can do this on the X460-G2 and X450-G2 i believe

New Contributor III
The x440-24-10G switch has two 10Gb ports. I need use one of them to stack and the second to act as normal data [uplink] port.

I found information that it was possible in earlier firmware version.