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since ‎09-07-2021

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Hello, I’m configure the nework policy on the Extremecloud. We will confiure two SSIDs maping to differenet VLAN. My question is that what is the AP’s management VLAN?  What is the default native VLAN for the AP230? Thanks.
Hello, We need to move some of the APs in one Pilot IQ account to another account. Before we do that, I want to ask and make sure  that if we can keep the original configuration on the those APs. Thanks,Lisa.
I’m helping  my customer to create an Extreme portal account ( They have not added any device under their Extreamecloud iq pilot and are using  legacy license), but it didnt pass through. I got a reply saying they are unable to locate my account in o...
Dear, My company’a extremecloud account need to add some APs that are currently registered under another acount.  How can we do that?  Should the current AP’s owner need to remove them first, then we can add them under our account directely? Thanks,L...