New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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Being a Connect user, when I click “Hide ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot features”, some of the pilot features disappear, but others appear.On the other way arround, when I click “Show ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot features”, the ones who appeared before, disappear an...
I have a local DNS server (pi-hole) broadcasted as a dhcp option.Although I have configured my 2 APs with static IP addresses and custom DNS ( and, I see DNS queries from my APs at pi-hole log (APs query every 2 minutes ...
Hi, I have set up some 5GHz chanels to be excluded in my current radio profile. However, when I also set in auto the 5GHz channel selection inside the device configuration, radio profile policy gets overided (AP uses some channels that are excluded ...
I have a Guest SSID only in the 2.4GHz band with 802.11x authentication method. When I try to connect with two different windows machines, the network works ok.  However, if I inject the following commands through cli: radio profile my_home band-st...
I have an AP122 allowed to work on DFS channels. Usually AP selects channel 136 because it is the only one transmitting on that channel (0 interferences from other APs nearby). However, after detecting radar signals AP does not come back to that DF...