ā10-28-2019 04:02 PM
A few weeks ago i've ran through a complicated upgrade process starting from and finally reaching, so yes, we are running hive manager classic on premise
before the upgrade there weren't any notifications about occurent alarms on almost all access point (about 40x 130Model) like now. i am getting los of notifications like
"wifi0: A high interference alert was raised."
So actually only the 2.4 ghz is making problems.
I'v studied this instruction:
And performed several configuration changes
==> in my opinion that shouldn't be a problem except there werent't any interference alarms before the upgrade, and there were accesspoints with an outpower of 16 dbm or more!!
and in the 5.0 GHz 11a Rate Setting section the 6 Mbps and 9 Mbps to N/A.
right now i would appreciate any qualified hints what i could do, to minimize the mentioned problems and achieve the desirable wifi behaviour!
ā02-26-2020 04:24 PM
Thank you for that screen shot. Since you're using an On premises version you'll need to wait for the next update to be released before you'll be able to use the latest firmware version. I believe that is scheduled to come out next month but your sales engineer would know more about release dates that I do.
ā02-26-2020 04:07 PM
@Sam Pirokā We are running on premise and right now it is not possible to upload the respective AP130 firmware
ā02-12-2020 05:27 PM
We've changed the name of our firmware from HiveOS to IQ Engine, but they both refer to the firmware version on the AP. We are still working on adding 10.0r8 to the community, but it should be available in your HiveManager GUI now if you're using a cloud based HiveManager.
ā02-12-2020 04:38 PM
@Sam Pirokā Thank you four your answer.
So unfortunately, i am note able to see the new 10.0r8 Version in the Download Area of "Hive OS - 10.X - Current Version"
What do you mean with the new "IQ Engine version"?