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how-to aggregation from CLI

how-to aggregation from CLI

New Contributor III

Hi guys,

I own an AP 230. I'm not able to config the agg0 for eth0 and eth1 from the CLI. can yoy please help me here?

for example:

interface eth0 bind agg0 bind agg0

                 ^-- unknown keyword or invalid input

is not ding anything.


Thank you


New Contributor III

this is how my config looks today:


show run

security mac-filter VHM-UQIASSAP default permit

security mac-filter AeroHive-guest default permit

security mac-filter AeroHive default permit

radio profile radio_ng_ng0

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 phymode 11ng

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 acsp access channel-auto-select time-range 01:00 04:00

no radio profile radio_ng_ng0 backhaul failover

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 interference-map enable

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 short-guard-interval

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11b rate 11 success 60 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11b rate 5.5 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11g rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11g rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11a rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11a rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11n rate mcs4/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11n rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11ac rate mcs2/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 benchmark phymode 11ac rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ng0 frameburst

radio profile radio_ng_ac0

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 phymode 11ac

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 acsp access channel-auto-select time-range 01:00 04:00

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 interference-map enable

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 interference-map cu-threshold 35

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 interference-map crc-err-threshold 35

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 short-guard-interval

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11b rate 11 success 60 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11b rate 5.5 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11g rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11g rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11a rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11a rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11n rate mcs4/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11n rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11ac rate mcs2/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 benchmark phymode 11ac rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile radio_ng_ac0 frameburst

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile phymode 11ng

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile acsp use-last-selection

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile interference-map enable

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile short-guard-interval

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11b rate 11 success 60 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11b rate 5.5 success 70 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11g rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11g rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11a rate 36 success 70 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11a rate 24 success 80 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11n rate mcs4/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11n rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11ac rate mcs2/2 success 80 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile benchmark phymode 11ac rate 54 success 70 usage 50

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile high-density enable

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile high-density continuous-probe-suppress enable

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile high-density broadcast-probe-suppress enable

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile weak-snr-suppress enable

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile high-density mgmt-frame-tx-rate high

radio profile AP150W-11ng-Profile weak-snr-suppress threshold 20

security-object AeroHive-guest

security-object AeroHive-guest security protocol-suite wpa-auto-psk ascii-key ***

security-object AeroHive-guest default-user-profile-attr 4000

security-object AeroHive

security-object AeroHive security protocol-suite wpa2-aes-psk ascii-key ***

client-monitor policy default_Policy problem-type association trigger-times 3 report-interval 3600

client-monitor policy default_Policy problem-type authentication trigger-times 3 report-interval 3600

client-monitor policy default_Policy problem-type networking trigger-times 3 report-interval 3600

ssid AeroHive-guest

ssid AeroHive-guest security-object AeroHive-guest

ssid AeroHive-guest security mac-filter AeroHive-guest

ssid AeroHive-guest client-monitor-policy default_Policy

ssid AeroHive

ssid AeroHive security-object AeroHive

ssid AeroHive security mac-filter AeroHive

ssid AeroHive client-monitor-policy default_Policy


hive VHM-UQIASSAP security mac-filter VHM-UQIASSAP

hive VHM-UQIASSAP password ***

sdr-profile 150W-SDR-Profile

sdr-profile 150W-SDR-Profile radio-profile-candidate 2g AP150W-11ng-Profile

interface eth0 native-vlan 1

interface eth1 native-vlan 1

interface wifi0 radio tx-power-control auto

interface wifi0 sdr-profile 150W-SDR-Profile

interface wifi1 radio profile radio_ng_ac0

interface wifi1 mode access

interface wifi1 radio tx-power-control auto

interface mgt0 hive VHM-UQIASSAP

interface wifi0 ssid AeroHive-guest

interface wifi0 ssid AeroHive

interface wifi1 ssid AeroHive-guest

interface wifi1 ssid AeroHive

system led power-saving-mode

kddr enable

hostname IronHide

admin read-only admin-ro password ***

admin root-admin admin password ***

interface mgt0 ip

ip route net gateway

no interface mgt0 dhcp client

dns server-ip

ntp server

ntp server second

ntp server third

ntp server fourth

clock time-zone 2

clock time-zone daylight-saving-time 03-25 02:59:59 10-28 03:59:59

config version 25243020

config rollback enable

capwap client server name

capwap client server backup name

capwap client dtls hm-defined-passphrase *** key-id 1

capwap client vhm-name VHM-UQIASSAP

no capwap client dtls negotiation enable

user-profile default-guest-profile qos-policy def-user-qos vlan-id 1 attribute 4000

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 1 service DHCP-Server action permit log

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 2 service DNS action permit log

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 3 to service any action deny log packet-drop

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 4 to service any action deny log packet-drop

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 5 to service any action deny log packet-drop

ip-policy Guest-Internet-Access-Only id 6 service any action permit log

user-profile default-guest-profile security ip-policy from-access Guest-Internet-Access-Only

user-profile default-guest-profile ip-policy-default-action permit

application reporting auto

application reporting upload time-window 15 admin VHM-UQIASSAP password *** basic

New Contributor III


I tried what you suggested. The device worked. There is an issue with it, however now I calmed down cz i saw it working.


After I did :

reset config bootstrap

reset config


Once the AP rebooted I was able to connect via ssh and make the setup work.


The setup was cleaned every time i was checking the devine via hivemanager on cloud.

I tried to delete all network policies, however my agg0 setup was flushed again.


I tried to delete the device from the cloud, reset all again, and re-add. same story.



New Contributor III

thanks for the effort. I'll do this asap and let you know how It goes.


Valued Contributor II

So with that new code, it still works for me on a stock AP.


Version:      HiveOS 8.4r5 build-210125

Build time:     Wed Sep 26 09:50:29 UTC 2018

Build cookie:    1809260250-210125

Platform:      AP230

Bootloader ver:   v0.0.4.21

TPM ver:      v1.2.37.17

Uptime:       0 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes, 50 seconds


AH-42db80#show run

interface eth0 bind agg0

interface eth1 bind agg0

system led power-saving-mode 


FWIW, I do not have the 2nd ethernet port plugged in, but I'll reset it and try again with both ports in use and report back.