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vdx 6740 firmware upgrade fails - ISSU is not supported to the target firmware version

vdx 6740 firmware upgrade fails - ISSU is not supported to the target firmware version

New Contributor II
hi gents,

I have two vdx in logical chassis. I'm trying to upgrade 7.2.0a1 to nos7.3.0aa but process fails.
Is this upgrade path not supported or I'm having a problem?
I'm hoping non-disruptive upgrade is possible with ISSU or some other way.

bottom# firmware download logical-chassis ftp host user anonymous directory / rbridge-id 1-2
Password: *********

Following is the result of the sanity check on the specified nodes.

Rbridge-id Sanity Result Current Version
1 Failed * 7.2.0a1
2 Failed * 7.2.0a1

* Details:
Rbridge-id 1:

ISSU is not supported to the target firmware version. Please specify coldboot option in the command-line for download.

The preinstall script failed.

Rbridge-id 2:

ISSU is not supported to the target firmware version. Please specify coldboot option in the command-line for download.

The preinstall script failed.

Firmware download failed. Please address the failures and then initiate firmware download again.

New Contributor II
This does not look good. It looks like "stack" lost configuration, lost Vlans, probably everything.
How to troubleshoot this and how to fix!?

many thanks.

Extreme Employee
Yes, schema mismatch means that switches are on different version codes and RB2 is waiting for RB1 to be upgraded

New Contributor II
I followed the advice, upgraded only one switch and I now see:

2019/01/30-12:21:03, [VCS-1006], 3978, SW/0 | Active, ERROR, VDX6740, Event: VCS node rejoin, Coordinator IP:, VCS ID: 1,
Status: rBridge ID 2 ( failed to rejoin VCS cluster, Reason: There is schema mismatch.
2019/01/30-12:21:53, [VCS-1006], 3979, SW/0 | Active, ERROR, VDX6740, Event: VCS node rejoin, Coordinator IP:, VCS ID: 1,
Status: rBridge ID 2 ( failed to rejoin VCS cluster, Reason: There is schema mismatch.

Is it save to now upgrade second switch?

Extreme Employee

Upgrade from NOS 7.2x to 7.3x is a major upgrade and as such ISSU is not supported

The only option is coldboot, in your example as below

firmware download logical-chassis ftp host user anonymous directory / rbridge-id 1-2 coldboot

I would suggest that you upgrade each switch individually to minimize disruption to service

firmware download logical-chassis ftp host user anonymous directory / rbridge-id 2 coldboot

Start with the non-principal switch and once this is upgraded then upgrade the principal