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Configure ELRP Script

Configure ELRP Script

New Contributor II
I understand that any scripts on here need to be tested out before placed on a production network. I am just trying to find a fast way to fix ELRP that was configured incorrectly on all ports.

Right now it is enabled on all ports. The uplink ports are excluded from disable. So when the switch loops it sends it out the uplink port.

Looking for some help with a script to enable ELRP only on untagged ports. Would like it to block a looped port permanently. Would like for this script to run daily to make sure any ports that change vlan's are covered.

If you have ideas on a way to stop uplink ports from having ELRP enabled that would be great too!

Thanks in advance


Contributor II
In our network I use the vlan default to monitor ELRP on the edge ports. I configure the edge ports in the vlan default (tagged).

the reason: If I have por 1 in vlan1 and port2 in vlan2 and there is a connection on the switch between port 1 and 2 (this no loop on the network). Someone can make a wrong patch.....

And one of those ports is disabled pemantent.

Johan Hendrik System Architect Audax

New Contributor II
That is more what we need. To find the access ports and vlan's then protect with ELRP. Can we change it to be periodic instead of one shot? Then add a UPM Timer to run it every day to find changes.

1. Find Vlan's and Access ports then
enable elrp-client
configure elrp-client periodic (found vlan) ports (found ports) log-and-trap disable-port permanent

2.UPM- timer to run each day.

think that would solve the issue.

Everything is possible.

You could write function which can help to find access port and then pass those port number to elrp command.

New Contributor
Can this script be modified to run only on the access ports of a switch or stack?