ExtremeCloud IQ- Site Engine Management Center
Questions and discussions about ExtremeCloud IQ-Site Engine Management Center
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Forum Posts

Query NAC Database

Hi, can anybody tell me, how I can query the database on the NAC? Hint: I try to make a query for the actual count of end systems on the NAC? I have found, that a table "end_system" in the database exist, but the query: tag=# select end_system_id fr...

Analytics Error Code

I have a customer who just upgraded to 8.2 from 7.x. They have XMC/Control/Analytics. In XMC. Their Analytics engine shows "yellow" with the message "1 warning alarm on 0 devices. All devices are up or not polled" when you hover over it. All alarms/w...

kcrosley by Extreme Employee
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