I'm still waiting on this answer. Has anyone already solved this?
It is important to note that i'm referring to the text sent on e-mail body, that looks like the following:
User: FirstName LastName (LastName-FirstName-AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA)
Email: user@corp.com Has requested sponsorship to obtain network access.
Go to http://<>/sponsor to Approve/Deny this request.
We have received an information from Support with the following instruction, but they didn't work:
----- Forwarded Message -----
The strings can be updated by adding the below updates to the C:\Program Files\Enterasys Networks\NetSight\appdata\NSJBoss.properties file. Once the file is edited you will need to restart the NetSight server in order for the changes to take effect.
private static String SPONSOR_EMAIL_TEXT_NOT_SPECIFIED = System.getProperty("SPONSOR_EMAIL_TEXT_NOT_SPECIFIED", "Not Specified");
private static String SPONSOR_PORTAL_URL = System.getProperty("SPONSOR_PORTAL_URL", "_http://%tagip%/sponsor;
private static String SPONSOR_EMAIL_MSGBODY_DEFAULT = "User: %fullname% (%username%) \nEmail: %useremail% \nHas requested sponsorship to obtain network access. \n\n" + "Go to " + SPONSOR_PORTAL_URL + " to Approve/Deny this request.";
private static String SPONSOR_EMAIL_SUBJECT = System.getProperty("SPONSOR_EMAIL_SUBJECT", "Sponsorship Request");
private static String SPONSOR_EMAIL_SENTFROM = System.getProperty("SPONSOR_EMAIL_SENTFROM", "NAC - Automated Email");
These are the variables you will most likely want to update:
SPONSOR_EMAIL_MSGBODY=User: %fullname% (%username%) \nEmail: %useremail% \nHas requested sponsorship to obtain network access. \n\nGo to _http://%tagip%/sponsor to Approve/Deny this request.
----- END of Forwarded Message -----
Does anybody has any hint on how to do it?