07-19-2023 01:07 AM
In the analitycss dashboard there is no info about networks and application response.
I have checked the config on the switches:
ACL: ok
configure access-list telemetry any ingress
configure access-list telemetryegress any egress
configure sflow sample-rate 1024
configure sflow poll-interval 60
enable sflow
configure sflow collector 10.2.x.y port 6343 vr "VR-Default"
configure sflow agent ipaddress 10.2.x.z
configure sflow ports 1 sample-rate 1024
enable sflow ports 1 ingress
Mirror EAN ok
create mirror "EAN"
configure mirror EAN to remote-ip 10.2.x.y from 10.2.x.z ping-check off
enable mirror EAN
What can be wrong?
07-21-2023 05:32 AM
07-19-2023 05:36 AM
Can you check to see if the analytics sensor is up and running:
SSH to analytics and run:
appidctl status
Can you confirm Analytics is receiving both sflow and mirror traffic with a tcpdump:
If you re-run appidconfig can you confirm the interfaces are in the correct mode?