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5420M failing POE check with Fluke LinkIQ

5420M failing POE check with Fluke LinkIQ

New Contributor II

Attempting to figure out why POE is denied with an overload fault when doing a POE load test with a new LinkIQ. It works fine with a Linkrunner G2. 

show inline-power configuration ports 23

Port     Config    Operator     Priority  Detection                   Classification  Fast  Label
------   --------  -----------  --------  --------------------------  --------------  ----  --------------
23       Enabled   30000 mW     Low       802.3af-only                802.3bt-type4   N
debug poe show transfers latest
PoE Transfer Information:
Transfer time 1722964709.849, 08/06/2024 12:18:29
  [78085] TX   +0.000                    : 28 03 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 ff 34
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 03 00 61 01 61 02 61 03 61 ff b4
  [78086] TX   +0.020                    : 28 04 04 01 05 01 06 01 07 01 ff 45
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 04 04 61 05 61 06 61 07 61 ff c5
  [78087] TX   +0.020                    : 28 05 08 01 09 01 0a 01 0b 01 ff 56
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 05 08 61 09 61 0a 61 0b 61 ff d6
  [78088] TX   +0.020                    : 28 06 0c 01 0d 01 0e 01 0f 01 ff 67
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 06 0c 61 0d 61 0e 61 0f 61 ff e7
  [78089] TX   +0.020                    : 28 07 10 01 11 01 12 01 13 01 ff 78
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 07 10 61 11 61 12 61 13 61 ff f8
  [78090] TX   +0.020                    : 28 08 14 01 15 01 16 01 17 01 ff 89
          RX   +0.049                    : 28 08 14 61 15 61 16 31 17 61 ff d9
  [78091] TX   +0.020                    : 30 09 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 32
          RX   +0.049                    : 30 09 01 00 00 00 00 00 c3 00 00 fd
  [78092] TX   +0.000                    : 30 0a 05 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 37
          RX   +0.049                    : 30 0a 05 00 00 00 00 00 c3 00 00 02
  txOk        : 78092
  rxOk        : 78092
Port 23

Configured Admin State: enabled
Inline Power State    : searching
MIB Detect Status     : searching
Label                 :
Operator Limit        : 30000 milliwatts
PD Class              :
Max Allowed Power     : 0.0 W
Measured Power        : 0.0 W
Line Voltage          : 0.0 Volts
Current               : 0 mA
Fault Status          : None
Detailed Status       :
Priority              : low
Power Up Status       : 2-pair 15W
Powered Channels      : 0
Detection             : 802.3af-only
show inline-power info ports

Port    State           Class      Volts    Curr    Power     Fault
                                            (mA)   (Watts)
1       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
2       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
3       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
4       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
5       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
6       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
7       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
8       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
9       searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
10      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
11      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
12      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
13      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
14      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
15      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
16      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
17      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
18      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
19      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
20      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
21      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
22      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None
23      denied          ------      0.0       0      0.000    Overload
24      searching       ------      0.0       0      0.000    None

Is there a way to see the negotiation for POE that I'm missing? Because the switch says it's type 4 and the meter comes back at type 8 but shows type 3 when testing a Cisco switch. I'm curious if its a problem with lldp/cdp negotiation. 


Extreme Employee

If you need PoE+ classification via LLDP, you can find that configuration here:


For certain models, something else to try are the different classification methods, which provide different start-up behavior for 60W and 90W capable switchports connected to support pre-standard end-points. See page 622 (configure inline-power classification):


Lastly, you can try to change the PoE detection mode to pre-af 'legacy' standards, which works based on capacitance instead of resistance. This sometimes works better for 'older' devices. Search "configure inline-power detection ports" in the same command reference linked above.

configure inline-power detection legacy-and-802.3af 4-point ports <Ports>
configure inline-power detection legacy-and-802.3af 2-point ports <Ports>
configure inline-power detection 802.3af-only ports <Ports> #Default setting


For all of the above, I usually just try all available options to see if anything works better for a specific end-point/powered-device. I will generally advise AGAINST using the 'bypass' PoE detection as that can damage non-PoE devices, and I generally advise against changing priorities or operator limits as the default settings there are fine for 99% of users.


Hope that helps! If not, create a case with GTAC and they may be able to provide more info.  


New Contributor II

Did you ever receive an answer to your question?  I have had some problems using the Fluke LinkIQ detecting power on certain ports.  I wasn't sure if there was a setting that needed to be changed to allow the Fluke to probe the port?  I haven't had your specific situation occur on any of my 5420M-48W-4YE's though.

New Contributor II

Sorry for the long delay I haven't found a solution yet, but in the process of troubleshooting something else I might have an idea. Will be testing today.