ā06-21-2018 05:09 PM
We are setting up some x460G2 and x440G2 units and we chose the initial option to use "enhanced security" which disables SNMP. We only use SNMPv3 in our environment. We followed the steps in the following link, but that isn't enough: https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=000083334
Our config currently looks like this, but we clearly need something else added to get SNMPv3 working:
configure snmpv3 add user "v3admin" engine-id authentication md5 auth-encrypted localized-key privacy privacy-encrypted localized-key
configure snmpv3 add group "v3group" user "v3admin" sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access "v3group" sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view "defaultAdminView" write-view "defaultAdminView" notify-view "defaultAdminView"
disable snmpv3 default-group
ā06-21-2018 05:17 PM
ā06-21-2018 05:17 PM
ā06-21-2018 05:17 PM
here you can see the official answer:
ā06-21-2018 05:17 PM