Hello All,
I am trying to create an ACL where certain subnets can RDP "port 3389" into a different subnet's hosts. While other devices can't RDP to that certain subnet. I am pasting the ACL, I have created. Basically, 10.8.7.X subnet should be able to RDP into 10.18.111.X subnet using port 3389. while other subnets should get denied.
I have applied the policy to the uplink port along with the 10.18.111.X vlan but with no luck, seems like the policy is ignoring my deny rules. What am I missing here?
Policies at Policy Server:
Policy: rdp
entry RDP-allow {
if match all {
source-address ;
destination-address ;
protocol tcp ;
source-port tcp ;
destination-port 3389 ;
then {
permit ;
entry default-deny {
if match all {
source-address ;
protocol tcp ;
source-port tcp ;
destination-port 3389 ;
then {
deny ;
Number of clients bound to policy: 1
Client: acl bound once