since ‎09-07-2021

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  • 59 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 35 Kudos given
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We recently updated to this fw and realized that using "show port slot:*" doesn´t work anymore, gives "No matching ports found." error. Is this by design or a bug?
Hi all, I would like to know if x870 or x690 are compatible with this feature and netapp servers, if not with EXOS maybe there is a way with ONIE
Hi, I dont want to receive infowms in xmc whenever a port starts delivering poe: I dont see the command to disable this, Can you help? Thanks.
Hi all, I'm trying to configure XMC to generate an alarm when a port goes out of profile, i'm testing with broadcast and limit 0, out-actions are trap and log: code:configure ports 5 rate-limit flood broadcast 0 out-actions trap log The XMC recei...