I have problems when doing the vlan in the switches of the x440 G2 range. I want to do 3 vlan, for example from port 1 to 10 vlan1, from port 11 to 15 vlan 2 and from port 16 to 23 vlan 3. Port 24 wants it to connect my router. I have done the vlan but I can not configure port 24 to connect the router and have internet in the 3 vlan.
Can anyone tell me what commands I would have to put in order to make this small configuration?
I created the 4 vlan that you told me.
The problem that I find now that when configuring the ip to the vlan, I have to have different ip for each of them, and I want to have the same ip for all the vlan.
You written "I have done the vlan but I can not configure port 24 to connect the router and have internet in the 3 vlan."
If you need 3 vlans with Internet you have to make 4 vlans with IP addresses (3 client vlans and 1 vlan for router), VLAN 4 have to be with IP from router's subnet and then you have to enable ipforwarding on all vlans.
You could simply make VLAN 3 with ports 16-24 (router and clients will be in same vlan).
Or make vlan 4 with IP from router's subnet, make vlan 3 with IP and enable ipforwarding in vlan 3 and 4.