At a client we are using 3 stacks with 3x x670v with XOS 15.4.3 configured with native stacking in V160. Between the 3 stacks we use a 40Gb connection (QSP+ with LACP L2).
Each stack makes use of a rendez-vous point.
rendez-vous point configuration lines:
configure pim crp vlan "Local_1" "rp-list1" 30
configure pim cbsr vlan "Local_1"
enable pimrp-list of the first stack:
entry extreme_rp1 { if match any { } then { nlri ; nlri ; nlri ; nlri ; nlri ; nlri ; nlri ; } }
I have the following questions:
1. Is it correct that a new multicast stream will (for a short period) flow to the master slot (switch) in a stack? If yes, what is the dispatch time period?
2. If a destination join a multicast stream this will (for a short period) flow to the master slot (switch)? If yes, what is the dispatch time period?
3. If a destination switches a multicast stream this will (for a short period) flow to the master slot (switch)? If yes, what is the dispatch time period?
4. There is much joining/dropping of streams in this setup, with a high number (40+) streams of 3,6Gb. Will this exceed the bandwidth of the backbone within a stack?