01-27-2021 05:20 AM
I am trying to connect a x460G2 stack to a VSP7400 cluster using this configuration with no luck.
While both links are up on both sides communication is not happening.
enable sharing 1:49 grouping 1:49,2:29 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
VSP7400 config is identical on both cluster members
mlt 3 enable
mlt 3 member 1/3
mlt 3 encapsulation dot1q
interface mlt 3
fa enable
no fa message-authentication
lacp smlt-sys-id 20:9e:f7:8f:6c:03
lacp enable
interface GigabitEthernet 1/3
default-vlan-id 0
no shutdown
lacp key 3 aggregation enable timeout-time short
no spanning-tree mstp force-port-state enable
What am I missing?
Thank you,
01-28-2021 06:28 AM
Hello Klaus,
an advantage of LACP is e.g. that it checks if the remote side is also a LACP link, this prevents a loop if the remote side is not configured for LAG but the cables (more the one) are already plugged and the ports are up.
In this case on your VOSS tyou will see for example this message in the LOG:
“INFO A churn condition has been detected for port <port> as the PARTNER is out of sync”
Furthermore it is also prevented that one side sends packets although the other side is still booting and has not started all processes yet, but the link is already up. Only if the LACP communication works everything is clear for the data transmission and both partners also send data.
01-28-2021 12:55 AM
Hi Stephan, Mig,
Thank you for your support - it’s much appreciated.
Put my glasses on and did more RTFM and it’s working now .
Having an MLT and no port members was confusing me.
So now that it’s working with LACP, is there an advantage of having LACP instead of just a static port bundle which allows me to use SLPP?
Our SE pointed out that LACP is another protocol that has to come up and requires troubleshooting.
Your thoughts?
01-27-2021 07:10 PM
Hi Klaus,
You cannot mix MLT and LACP.
If you go for MLT, you need to add port members.
If you go for LACP, you need to define the lacp key as mentioned by Stephan.
Here below a config abstract from a production VSP connecting to Cisco switches in LACP:
mlt 203 enable name MLT-Unit-2-Port-03
mlt 203 encapsulation dot1q
interface mlt 203
lacp enable key 203
vlan mlt 100 203
vlan mlt 101 203
vlan mlt 110 203
vlan mlt 115 203
vlan mlt 246 203
interface GigabitEthernet 2/3
lacp key 203 aggregation enable
lacp enable
01-27-2021 06:24 AM
Hello Klaus,
I notice that in the commands you write "lacp key <key>" is missing on the MLT interface.
The lacp key "glues" the components together so it must be the same on the port and on the MLT.
In addititon I can’t see the FA part on the XOS site.
If this is not enough. Please send the output of
show mlt
show log file
with the corresponding lines.
Here are the steps for SMLT and LACP also in detail listed:
and here FA with VSP and XOS: