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Adobe Flash end of support 2020 - WING GUI 5.9.x/7.x

Adobe Flash end of support 2020 - WING GUI 5.9.x/7.x

New Contributor III
There is a GUI migration plan based on FLASH for other technologies such as HTML5 before the end of support by Adobe and most browsers in Dec / 2020. Or we will suffer the same type of nightmare that exists with JAVA-based GUIs that were never updated again.
143 REPLIES 143

New Contributor

The link to the wingman 1.0.5 is broken…

Since January, we’re unable to monitor our extreme devices which is very problematic. Do you have any temporary solution ?

New Contributor

Thanks again, Sam d7e8ca19d341407a95d8b6339be65320_1f642.png

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Danny, we had to take Wingman down temporarily due to a whitelisting issue. We are working on a fix, that’s why you see that test file where the old file used to be.

In the mean time, you’ll want to contact your local services engineer (SE) to request the latest version of Wingman (1.0.5). If you’re unsure who to reach out to for your SE, please let me know generally where you’re located and I will find you a local SE to speak with.

As soon as I hear that we’ve fixed the download page issue and the file is back up on the portal, I’ll update this thread to let you all know. 

New Contributor

Thanks for the update, Sam. Where’s Wingman gone? I’m no longer able to download. does not download any file at all and the old link does not longer exist (404).

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for your patience, the latest release target for the HTML 5 GUI is in the May/June time frame. This is of course subject to change depending on what else comes up during QA testing.