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AP621 model does not return SNMP data via snmpwalk

AP621 model does not return SNMP data via snmpwalk

New Contributor

hello @ckelly@Christoph_S , @Christopher_Fra , @arichter 

We have 2 RFS6000 controllers and 35 devices of this model in our environment, but I can't retrieve SNMP data from them. We have another 12 devices of the AP7532 model, and I can easily get the information from them.




$ snmpwalk -v2c -c cti (AP621)
Timeout: No Response from






$ snmpwalk -v2c -c cti
iso. = STRING: "AP7532 Access Point, Version MIB=01a"
iso. = OID: iso.
iso. = Timeticks: (24005400) 2 days, 18:40:54.00
iso. = ""
iso. = STRING: "AP-A13-1314"



What is blocking the AP621 model? How can this be fixed?


I tried to follow the steps in the link below, but an error occurred. I think it's a bug.


rfs01(config)*#ip snmp-access-list cti
rfs01(config-ip-snmp-acl-cti)*#permit any
% Error: Invalid IPv4/mask format
rfs01(config-ip-snmp-acl-cti)*#permit ?
  A.B.C.D/M  Source IP address range to match
  any        Any source IP address
  host       Single host address

rfs01(config-ip-snmp-acl-cti)*#permit any ?

rfs01(config-ip-snmp-acl-cti)*#permit any 
% Error: Invalid IPv4/mask format


Thank you in advance!!!


@ckelly wrote:

Yes, I've confirmed that with the image my AP622 does correctly respond to an snmpwalk.

Assuming there are no issues with ACLs or anything blocking the SNMP traffic to these APs, my next guess would be that there is some sort of difference between the AP622 and AP621 that I'm not aware of. Unfortunately, I don't have an AP621 to test with.


Thank you for the feedback!

The issue is that we have many of these models, and we need to monitor them with our Zabbix. Our educational institution is located in a rural area, and the access points (APs) are spread across a vast area.

We don't have the budget to purchase a new controller because the AP 621 wouldn't be compatible.

What I would need is the release of the latest firmware version that this AP supports to try to resolve this. I've already requested this through GTAC, but I always receive the same response that they cannot release it because we don't have a contract.

What can we do to resolve this issue, which, in my opinion, is related to the equipment?

Unfortunately, I cannot help with providing firmware images.

The only other thing I can think of is to look at a copy of your complete running config from one of the AP621's. There might possibly be something in the config that is causing this.

Or...can you run a port scan against the AP621(using any one of many different utilities available) to check to see if port 161 is showing as open?


I sent the commands via private message.
Thank you for now!

Extreme Employee

I have tested a 622 running and I can successfully walk the AP.

Do you have any override values on the 622 that relate to SNMP?

The timeout could be seen if attempting to walk the wrong address....or if the community string value is incorrect (which is why I asked if the same management profile was applied). There's still the potential though that there may be an override setting on the 622 that affects the SNMP settings.

If you have other 622's, are they also exhibiting this same behavior?

I AM able to replicate the syntax issue you are seeing with attempting to use the 'any' option with the access-list. I didn't see this issue with an earlier release of WiNG code though. In the meantime, you could use either the host option or the subnet option and just specify the entire network if necessary.

hello @ckelly 

We have 36 APs of the 621 model. Is it the same series as the model 622 you tested?

The settings are correct. It pings, but it doesn't return SNMP.

elias@elias:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.717 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.494 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.492 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2040ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.492/0.567/0.717/0.105 ms
elias@elias:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -c cti
Timeout: No Response from
