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firmware download page too complicated

firmware download page too complicated

Honored Contributor
I'd like to upgrade my EMC but I don't plan to search for minutes on the download page for the right file.



I'm sorry but either I'm doing something wrong or that is the most complicated way to present firmware versions.


In the 10+ years I have been working with Atlas/Netsight/ this has kept being brought up, and I can't remember but there is some legal reason (not technical) why it isn't implemented. and I can't remember the specifics, but it is not likely to happen

New Contributor III
You know what would be really cool? If I could tell EMCenter to download automatically updates for selected (!) products into EMCs local firmware repository. Since EMC uses a login, Extreme can check if I have a valid support contract and are allowed to download the file. And EMC supports proxy to get in Contact with EMC directly. We have to cope then only with firmware installation and not with searching a website. Another point: if these downloads happen automatically in the background, the download speed gets less important.

From my point of view this would be a nice thing on the roadmap which decreases necessary workamount on administrators side and marketing could promote a lesser TCO since these standard tasks are automated. 🙂


Yes, waiting, and waiting, and waiting and doing several times the same klicks are huge new features in the current portal !!!:-)
They pushed a lot of ressources in that.


Valued Contributor III
I think you're correct about the database and/or the queries being run against it not being quite "right." I'm aware that the licensing page is often abysmally slow, and I believe there's some optimization that should be done there. The products page is a new one for me... I'll make sure the right people are aware of the feedback in this thread and hopefully they can figure out how to fix this.

Extreme Employee
I'm using vpn as well, because access US website from China is really a pain. After using vpn, the speed is fine, not slowly like your video. Anyway, let's see is there something back from Drew.