for better WLAN troubleshooting i forward all my EWC StationEvents to Netsight. i forward it via syslog - local3 facility into a separate log-file - which resides on netsight server - /var/log/StationEvents.log.
EWC is filling these with station events - all working fine!
(tail -f /var/log/StationEvents.log is filling up)
On Netsight Console i created a new tab - Wireless-StationEvents. How can i get Console that the content of the above file will shown here ?

i am not able to define a log source which is Type = Server - means a log-file which rely on netsight server.

(log-file target was /var/log/StationEvents.log - but Console change this to local c:\....)
The other (default) tabs show me that is should be possible, but how ???