In Version 10.21 the clients by topology and clients by AP reports were removed and replaced with a searchable client report. This report has many problems the biggest being that it does not auto refresh. There has been much discussion on the Hub with many users voicing their dissatisfaction with the loss of 2 very useful reports. One user did point out that if you click the "Stations by AP" graph on the home screen access to the clients by AP report was available. This was at least half the battle. Now we have upgraded to 10.31 and that access to the clients by AP report has been removed. The user community has asked for the reports to be returned not eliminated. Please bring back these very useful reports. Please like this post and add comments to show your support for the return of the "Clients by Topology" and "Clients by AP" reports.
Try using the "AP Performance Report by SSID and Radio" from the AP section of the Reports tab. It shows clients, refreshes and can be sorted to put the highest number of clients at the top.