New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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  • 32 Posts
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Hey all,We had a power outage and when everything came back on, my Extreme Switch boots, and reads uplink (port 10) but ports 1 & 7 where items were plugged in, no longer work. I ran SH Tech, and it says that Ports 1 & 7 are being denied power. What ...
Hey all, I’m new to EW and ES, and wanted to ask how I can adopt an extra X430 8 port switch I found to the network?  I want to adopt it to the network because whenever I try to program a port it comes back as, Invalid input detected at '^' marker,...
Hi everyone,   So I’m a new user here  in the EW forums. So recently I started a new job and inherited the Extreme Wireless system. The downside is, there’s no documentation (long story) and I’m having an issue with a X430 8P.  Only a few ports work ...