ExtremeCloud IQ
Questions and discussions about ExtremeCloud IQ
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Forum Posts

DHCP Option 252 Proxy Conf

Hi experts,At my customer the Access Points 550/410c have to connect to the internet via a proxy so that they can register on the XIQ.Unfortunately the proxy has to be entered via the Console CLI in the CAPWAP Config.CAPWAP Client HTTP Proxy name xxx...

SSID for IT access only

My site has primarily an SSID for Staff and Guest.  I created an SSID for IT Staff since we would need access to all the VLAN's.  Our Staff SSID connected to an external radius server, that that only devices in our AD can connect to the Staff SSID.  ...

rkowals by New Contributor III
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CRC error rate has been removed. Why?

@Sam Pirok  I SSH'd into one of my AP410C's running Hive OS 10.4r3 to look at the interface summary states for wifi0 and wifi1 and thought I was loosing my mind cause I couldn't find the CRC error rate percentage which I know used to be there. Then I...

sfolk by New Contributor III
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