ExtremeWireless (WiNG)
Questions and discussions about WiNG devices
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Forum Posts

logging vs system events

Hi, Can you explain me what is the differene beetween logging and system events?   Lets say that I have loggin enabled on debug level and events disabled. What do I lose?  And how to think of that from perspective of APs or controller? In my humb...


multicast RFS7k

Hi   I have been asked a question to which I do not know the answer. There are 2 RFS7K units ( primary / backup with 22 AP7532, there are 3 WLANS one we use for company mobile phones / email on the mobile phones and VOIP, The Question is  multicas...

AP7131 possible memory leak

Has any noticed that AP7131 with firmware version show gradually reducing free memory, to the point where it becomes impossible to log on to individual access points? We seem to be getting this problem, such that in  order to restore acc...