ExtremeWireless (WiNG)
Questions and discussions about WiNG devices
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Forum Posts

RFS4000 doesn´t see another wing neighbors

Hello, I have 6 RFS4010 with wing 5.4 distributed in two buildings. 4 RFS4010 are in one building and 2 RFS4010 are in the other building. The link between buildings is a Wireless link. I found that some RFS4010 had wing and others has 5...

Loop reboot ap4022, and strange log on it

One of ap4022 reboots every 15-20 minutes. When she is booting, i try to connect via SSH or from controller. When i login, i see message: code:Unable to connect to configuration-manager, executing diagnostic shell Log on problem AP looks strange: No...

High Retries in 2.4 Ghz. How reduce it?

Hello guys, I'm having problems with high percentage of retries in the frequency of 2.4 Ghz ranging between 20 and 50% and in 5 Ghz I have a number between 1 and 10%. I know of the limitations of 2.4 Ghz in relation to the frequency range and poll...