ExtremeWireless (WiNG)
Questions and discussions about WiNG devices
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Forum Posts

How many maximum user create in VC?

Hi, I am using AP 7532, firmware is 5.9.2. This is a Virtual Controller. I configured captive Portal with out NAC. In this VC what is an Maximum radius user?. If we connect one user id, Only one person should use the same time. How to configure in...


Bom dia! Estou precisando da versão do wing 5.7 OEm, para integração dos miundos MOTOROLA e BROCADE, pois possuo uma RFS4000 Brocade (fabricado pela MOTOROLA) e preciso fazer com que ela reconheça e adote APs 6521 e Aps 0621 da MOTOROLA, em 2015 oi l...

Wireless Planner report fails

After completing a plan using an imported.jpg floorplan and auto-placing APs, I save the plan and select Generate Report. I have the option to choose pdf or docx. When I choose either the report fails to generate. Has anyone else run into this issue...