New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

User Statistics

  • 24 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
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User Activity

@Sam Pirok  I SSH'd into one of my AP410C's running Hive OS 10.4r3 to look at the interface summary states for wifi0 and wifi1 and thought I was loosing my mind cause I couldn't find the CRC error rate percentage which I know used to be there. Then I...
Ever since a recent upgrade of XIQ the client trial information has been blank, I rely on this information every day to troubleshoot client issues.Is anyone else seeing this?  My XIQ build is
I am trying to setup guest wifi  onboarding with Guest Essentials. After 5 days and many choice words I am at a loss as to how this should be configured (the instructions really aren’t helpful)I have it sorta working but the flow I want isn’t happeni...
Wondering if anyone can shed some light on this, seems odd to have a Wifi health score this low (33) as I look at the info on this client. Wifi radio this station is connected to shows status “GOOD” very low CRC errors no TX or RX errors background s...
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