ExtremeSwitching (EXOS/Switch Engine)
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Forum Posts

Stack SpliBrain protection

HiDoes anybody know how protect rest of then network with protocol OSFP/MPLS when the stack is broken and we have a split brain situation with two master? It's possible to automaticaly somehow down master IN/OUT interface on one node or something els...

Change Air Flow

I replaced the all fans and power supplies in two switches to convert them f2b to b2f airflow.  Now both switches have "Code 5: Air flow mismatch detected in slot 1" warnings.I assume rebooting the switches will fix this but is there a command that I...

troy_alan by New Contributor II
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Switch Crash

I've had one member of a two member virtual chassis crash/reboot.  A few logs: <Noti:DM.Notice> Slot-1: Slot-2 being Rebooted<Noti:DM.Notice> Slot-1: Slot-2 being Rebooted <Info:DM.Info> Slot-1: nodemgr setting Slot-2 state to REBOOTING (Slot is stuc...

B_ by New Contributor II
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