Bricked AP310i - can't login
Need to regain access to AP310i. Keep getting "login incorrect" with every combination I can think of. How can the device be reset to a "new" state (factory default?) and what would those credentials be?
Need to regain access to AP310i. Keep getting "login incorrect" with every combination I can think of. How can the device be reset to a "new" state (factory default?) and what would those credentials be?
Estimados, buenas tardes necesito configurar una red de invitados (SSID) que proporcione acceso por 3 horas y que el DHCP de la red lo entregue el AP Extreme sin necesidad de otro dispositivo para generar DHCP, ya que tengo una sola red que es para e...
Hi all,I have 2 APs at home. the primary one acting as mesh portal (ap250) is wired connected and broadcasts only 5G wifi and the second AP which is meshed (ap230) on the 5g interface (wifi1) and it's set on Backhaul Mesh Link and Client Access mode....
Is there any article that we can follow forwarding device logs on a SIEM from ExtremeCloud IQ?
Estimados:Buenos días, soy nuevo en este mundo. Por favor su ayuda, yo ejecuto a través del ssh el comando show adoption status y me muestra algo que me deja preocupado, detallo el resultado:DEVICE-NAME VERSION CFG-STAT MSGS ADOPTED-BY LAST-ADOPTION ...