MPLS Tunnel?
dears, here there anybody can guide me if extreme summitX450-24x DC switch sport to MPLS Tunnel ? Iam try to connect tow switches as MPLS Tunnel, and how i can make configuration to both tow extreme switches MPLS tunnel ?
dears, here there anybody can guide me if extreme summitX450-24x DC switch sport to MPLS Tunnel ? Iam try to connect tow switches as MPLS Tunnel, and how i can make configuration to both tow extreme switches MPLS tunnel ?
We're trying to do traffic separation from a server to an X670 to another switch. The server can only use a single VLAN tag, so between it and the X670 we're using GRE tunnels for each traffic type within that single VLAN, and terminating the GRE tun...
I have a basic Cisco config I need to translate to EXOS. I'm looking for an Extreme guru to assist. The following is a config file. the IP addresses are arbitrary subnets in my local GNS3 topology: R1#show runnR1#show running-config Building config...
We have two seperate infrastructures: - 'video system' ( subnet, four enerasys 0820G4-48, all in one Building); - 'pc farm' ( subnet, four extreme x350, locate on four different Buildings and seperate from video). Both "...
Hi, my customer is interested to get a report/output for the duration of the MUs that were connected to his guest WLAN - let's say once a day. Is there a way to do it with Netsight/OneView or only the controller. I've found the MIB value "muDuratio...